Thursday, May 20, 2010

Woodsterman Takes A Vacation ... Part 7

Here are some more pictures of the same beach at our RV park at Charleston. We'll be driving down to California tomorrow just north east of Crescent City in the Redwoods.
This is a much better shot of the one I took yesterday.
This is what we see when we come off of the trail onto
the beach and looking left. Can you see there is another
cove beyond the outcropping ?
And here it is ... and the next three photos.
Looking out from the cove.
Looking from the far side back.
This cave we found on the south side of the cove. I went into it
very short way. I could see that it went more than 100 feet in.
I didn't venture but a few feet in. This was a complete surprise.


  1. Whoa. Blue sky at the coast? Are you sure you're still in Oregon?

  2. Gorgeous! And redwoods? I am SO jealous! Drink it in and have FUN!

  3. Stunning pictures ... love the colours and the contrast of the trees so close to the beach :o)

  4. Innominatus, it's sunny about 4 hours a day. It rained like an SOB last night again.

  5. Supi, Very little sun actually ... mostly clouds and rain.

  6. Opie, oh drinking ... that too. I'll be near the Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park in Hiouchi, CA.

  7. Lady ... ain't it grand. The problem is we drove by most of it. There's too much to see. This place we've been before and loved it, so we're back.


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