Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh Those Walmart People Again .... #2

Anybody remember the fruit snack Gushers? Now I'm not saying anything else, I'm just saying.Gushers. They're delicious. Good luck enjoying them ever again.

OK, so which one is the Muffin top again? Is it his hat or her hips? I can never remember.

If I had told you that there is a picture where purple hair is the least weird thing going on, would you have believed me?

Dear Mrs. Adams, it was cute to dress your boys Grizzly and Cletus alike when they were two years old, but at 65?  Not so much.


  1. Those are to funny, thanks for the laugh
    Mr Monkey

  2. Glad to see we don't have a monopoly on bad dress-sense here in the UK ..........

  3. The first pic reminds me of a great Spinal Tap song...."the bigger the cushin, the better the pushin' or so I've been told.."

  4. Wow, I am really missing out, Odie. That evil city council here won't let them put up any stores, drat!

  5. Lady, I would have to say WalMart shoppers have that.

  6. Jake, you dug yourself in with that one. I'll not help you out of there.

  7. Bunni, you're missing "The Missing Links" of the culture wars.


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