Sunday, May 16, 2010

Woodsterman Takes A Vacation ... Part 3

Hi again, we finally made it to the coast. This we have
done for Sue since we bought our first motorhome in 1997.
She loves to comb the beaches looking for shells, and
it's my job to make her happy. I love the beach too. I
practically grew up at one in southern California. I was
one of those die-hard surfers for 20 years from age 13
to 33 when we moved to the mountains. 

We are at a KOA across the road from a state park called
Fort Stevens. The park is where the Columbia River hits
the Pacific. We stay at the KOA for the hook-ups. Those
of you not knowing what that is, they are water, waste,
electric, cable TV, and now Wi-Fi. Some say, "That's not
camping." Damn straight it's not ... those days are over.

Below are photos of our 3.5 mile round trip walk to the

It just started raining and thank goodness for
motorhomes. We head south to Tillamook to see how
cheese is made. I hope this posts OK ... internet is kind
of slow here.
The paved "trail" to the beach.
The people of Oregon know how
to do it.
I lost my keys in there, could you help me find them?
Ah, the ocean, what this trip is about ...
An old ship wreak of the "Peter Iredale".
The "trail" back.
It won't be long for cocktails now ....
Don't forget to read "Wal-Mart".


  1. My father-in-law is in Warrenton. He and his wife run a bakery there. I'd give you directions to the place but I always have trouble finding it myself. (Not that my wife is a crappy navigator, of course!)

  2. innominatus, Sorry I missed them. We left there this morning. We're in Lincoln City for the night and tomorrow it's on to one of our favorites, Newport. We'll spend a couple of days there.

  3. That looks cool. I love cloudy days.

  4. We were supposed to get rain all week, Opie. So far just Sunday morning early for about 10 minutes.

  5. Such lovely photo's! It's a nice time of year to be in nature, even my little yard is greening up nicely, and I have a baby bunny hiding there!
    Have fun, Odie.

  6. Well Bunni, we're in Newport now, and it's been raining since sun-up.


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