Thursday, May 27, 2010

This sign is Priceless!!!


  1. Great one, Odie! He certainly is a blowhard.

  2. Yep. You can say that again...

  3. Opie, it has my vote also, unless you include the Obama logo on the toilet seat photo.

  4. Thanks Lady, This blow-hard resembles that blow-hard ...

  5. I need a few dozen of these.


    I'm not kidding.

    Hope and Change stickers could be placed throughout my community - and everywhere I go.

  6. I could put them above every roll of toilet paper in every public restroom - it's BIG, I tell you!

  7. LL, the "Hopie Changie" thing is big.

    I think I posted something at "Woodsterman Too" with The Ones photo on toilet paper. By all means, steal it.

  8. Brevity is certainly the soul of wit.

  9. Snarky, Those are the exact words I would have stolen too, if you hadn't already done so.

  10. The only problem is that the air flows in the wrong direction. It's supposed to suck...

  11. Bastiatarian, the Bureaucrat in Chief blows hot air. You're thinking of porn.

  12. >the Bureaucrat in Chief blows hot air

    And he also sucks. How he can do both at the same time is a mystery, but somehow many people can.

    >You're thinking of porn.

    I'm not even going to ask about the connection between a bathroom dryer and porn.

    I think I better sing a hymn or something...


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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