Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh Those Walmart People Again .... #5

Don't worry everyone, I've already forwarded this pic over to Burberry. I figured it would be rewarding for them to see this and remind themselves why it was they got into the fashion and design business in the first place. I'm sure they will be ecstatic seeing their vision come to life.

I haven't seen her fist pump, but I bet her Jersey shore name is Cindy Lou Who.
New Jersey

I was wondering what Blossom was up to. Now if we can just find Joey Lawrence I can get some sleep at night.

Subway sandwiches are all fillers and barely have any meat, usually leaving one unsatisfied.


  1. Foot in Mouth, you just can't beat Wal-Mart for fun.

  2. Mr. Monkey, you ought to check my archives. This is about the forth or fifth one I've done.

  3. Love it! Honestly, I walked into a Walmart once,just once mind you and my visit lasted maybe 3 minutes and have never returned.

    It most likely lasted so long as it was early in the morning and I was not yet fully awake.

  4. Oh come on Christopher, It's not that bad ... well kinda sorta ???

  5. Hi Odie, I hope you don't run into any of these fashion disasters during your vacation!

  6. The spittin image of Cindy Lou Who all growed up!!! Its quite a vacation just going to Wal-Mart with you Odie!!!

  7. ..hey, Odie, no fair! I like Subway sandwiches. The ones from the store, man, the ones from the store.

  8. I'd bet the burberry is a fake, send them a pic, they love to sue in court.
    We don't have Walmart in England, if they came they and Tesco could have a fight to the death!

  9. Bunni, when I'm on vacation I am a fashion disaster.

  10. I would like to spend my vacation at Wal-Mart, Velcro. I'm able to catch up on the latest fashions that way.

  11. Banned, I think I've heard of Tesco.

  12. Opie, there you go again, showing off. I looked it up ... yes the fashions are objectionable.


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