Sunday, May 30, 2010

Laughing At A Not So Funny Topic ... #2

Hat Tip to Opus #6 at MAinfo


  1. Please check this one out!

    But please sit down while watching

  2. Well Malcontent, all I can say is go Lou !

    Anyone reading these comments, please copy and paste the address above to your browser and sit down.

  3. The comics are funny, and very true.
    I have to go watch Mal's link now!
    Happy Memorial Day, Odie.

  4. Odie, I watched Malcontent's link this morning. Decided not to check my pressure today.

  5. Laughing at a serious situation is going to help us see clearly to a way out of it: November.

  6. Bunni, anything to take the edge off during these trying times. But, Obama doesn't know anything is wrong.

  7. Supi, I know what you mean, My blood pressure doubled.

  8. The last one is the worst. I'm so tired of being called a racist bigot. When all I want is immigrants of good character (legal).

  9. >I'm so tired of being called a racist bigot.

    The first thing I do when somebody calls me a racist is point to my Japanese wife, my Japanese-Scandinavian kids, my Mexican-Korean daughter-in-law, and my Japanese-Mexican-Korean-Scandinavian granddaughter.

    If that doesn't work, I inform the individual that, because "race" is a pseudo-scientific concept, I have rejected it, and that it is therefore a logical impossibility for me to be a racist.

    Finally, if that doesn't work, I subject the individual to the Three Stooges' "Around-the-world-bop." As it did for Moe, this always works, and the issue is resolved.

  10. Opie, I think 70% of Americans feel as you do.

  11. Bastiatarian, Your family sounds like a great American "Heinz Variety". We are the melting pot of those who play by the rules.

  12. >We are the melting pot of those who play by the rules.

    Yep. Although we enjoy the good things from our respective heritages, and honor our ancestors and the sacrifices they made to get us to this country, we're all American;, no hyphen, no reservation, no hesitation.

  13. >American;, no hyphen

    But an extra comma. Oops.

  14. Bastiatarian ... "AMERICAN" And the way it should be.

    That's nothing (Oops) compared to the missstakess I makeses.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.