Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oh Let's Call These Walmart Weddings #5

Who needs a limo?
Superior Support.  What if one of those things breaks loose and hits the minister? Daddy must be proud.
After his engagement, he figured he would be captured overseas and never be back. He just doesn't look as happy
as she does.
And my thanks and Hat/Tip to: 


  1. These pics are really something. I can't specify what, but they are something.

  2. Opie, that's it exactly ... something.

  3. I sure hope the dress designer of the busty bride named the dress the "silencer". People seeing her the dress for the first time are speechless.

  4. The keep getting stranger!
    I'm surprised the minister didn't make that bride go home and change, TMI w/ her gown.

  5. Bunni, I find my imagination didn't have to work nearly as hard.

  6. Supi, I love that dress. It made her the center of attention as it should be.

  7. Wait. In that last one, which one is "he"?

  8. That last picture -- was she stung by a bee before the ceremony?

  9. Pictures like these always make me appreciate my friends more.

  10. Bastiatarian, These are here you show you, even the silly have dreams.


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