Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh Those Walmart People Again ....

New rule: If the hole in your jeans is big enough for me to put my hand into, then by golly, that's what's going to happen, whether you like it or not.


It's unfortunate that the one strap that is actually working, is the one keeping your hair in place.

Now kids, much like how you can determine a trees age by its rings, you can also judge the level of party in a person by the length of the mullet. Write that down.

So, this is either a cross-dressing nautical enthusiast OR..well, fill in anything, it really doesn't matter, because none of it will make sense.
Hat/Tip with thanks to:


  1. Woodsterman said:"
    New rule: If the hole in your jeans is big enough for me to put my hand into, then by golly, that's what's going to happen, whether you like it or not."

    I can go along with that!

  2. She probably doesn't work at a dog kennel.

  3. OMG! "a cross-dressing nautical enthusiast"

    Too frickin funny! I am going to send you the cleaning bill for coffee spewed everywhere in my home office.

    Thanks for that line, made my day!

  4. Hey, give the guy a break. His kilt wasn't yet back from the cleaners.

  5. These pics look funnier on your site, Odie, than in an email. Thanks for the H/T.

  6. Malcontent, I just can't help myself, and it doesn't sound like you can either.

  7. S PHILLIPS, Who cares, Holes is holes.

  8. Christopher, I'd like to take credit for the words of wit, but alas they're not mine.

  9. inominatus, It wouldn't be as funny if I cut him slack.

    I'm in your neck of the woods. Is this a great country or what? I'm in a motorhome using a computer on the internet.

  10. Thanks for sending them to me Bunni. They help me with all the preposts I had to make. I didn't know if I could post while on the road in the motorhome. Today (the first) I can... Hot Damn !

  11. The chick in the first pic is just begging for a *pinch*. That is what that hole is for, right?

    BTW - I'm changing my blogs format. You have more followers that the Greatful Dead. I'm doing something wrong. :)

  12. Enjoy your trip, you are luck to bet on the road and see the sites's a pretty time of year.

  13. Jake, and we'd like to give it to her.

    My followers and I are members of a cult. It's called the we'll laugh at anything cult. Really, I've been at this for a year. I'm happy with my follows, but the serious conservatives have many, many more than me. Many of my readers won't admit they visit my site.

  14. Bunni, Oregon is one of the prettiest states anywhere. Right now it is so green. We're staying the night tonight at a place called Seven Feathers Casino and RV park. Yes an Indian casino and the prettiest RV park in the USA.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.