Monday, June 28, 2010

Those Wacky Walmart Shoppers Again III

 If Mary here asks if you want to see the little!
I feel like I've seen this guy in every Walmart.
  I have to assume those paw prints are actually some animal she swallowed whole trying to fight its way out.
It looks like one of those Bratz dolls came to life!


  1. I am becoming afraid, very afraid of shopping at other Wally Worlds....

  2. Ewwwwww, these people need to buy a mirror and use it before they leave the house, Odie.

  3. I thought some of our skanks and slappers were bad but these people clearly have no shame.
    Tesco PLC recently got into a scrap after banning people from their stores who wear pyjamas and nightgowns.

  4. Supi, never be afraid. You could become famous on the pages of Woodsterman ....

  5. Bunni, you just don't understand do you ... They did!

  6. Banned, you're right, they have no shame. Some of them are posing.

  7. Odie, take my photo down immediately. How embarrassing.

  8. Nickie, I would if I new which one was you. They all look a little like you.

  9. Oh my? Everyday it is Halloween at Walmarts or so it would seem.

  10. Christopher, What in the world do you mean? I haven't noticed a thing.

  11. Where would they shop if they couldn't shop at WalMart? They'd starve...well, after their body used the stored fat -- in four or five years.

  12. Nothing like people watching...especially in Walmart. These photos are a riot.

  13. "Ewwwwww, these people need to buy a mirror and use it before they leave the house, Odie. " serious, Bunni, their mirrors probably broke long ago.

  14. LL, I just got back from Wally World, and I have to be honest. I was in too much of a hurry to people watch.

  15. Lady, Read the comment above to LL. I was just in too much of a hurry today to do my visit justice.

  16. TWP, You guys still don't get. They all did look in a mirror before they left the house.

  17. The mere shadow cast at noon by that one lady's ass had to weigh sixty pounds.

  18. I get it now....they think they look good!
    Wow, they are crazy.

  19. LL, I don't know which one you're referring to, but lets talk about shadows for a second. That first photo looks like a guy to me with 5:00 "shadow" on the chin and all. There's your "shadow" LL.

  20. Bunni, now you're catching on. They're all wearing their Sunday best for Walmart. They have to, they never know who they will run in to.


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