Thursday, June 24, 2010

Look What I Stole From Bunni's ...

I was sitting there, minding my own business,
watching a YouTube video at Bunni's. Then all
of a sudden this ad pops up at the bottom. I
couldn't be happier to see it ... enjoy !


  1. You are so creative.
    If that guy on the carpet was harry, I hope the
    animal bites him.
    Thanks for the hat tip, Odie!
    You can "steal" from me anytime.

  2. Thanks Bunni, When you get to see an ad like this, you have to steal it.

  3. We can only hope that that was a sigh from above! lol

  4. Opie, yes she does. That's to smooth things out between her great rants about "Old Bug Juice". (Look at that ... another name.)

  5. Kristin, I'm sure taking it that way.

  6. I am at a loss Odie? Did you like the ad, the video or the combination?

    I keep a weird work schedule so it is early for me and have yet to sip any coffee so maybe I am missing something?

  7. Christopher, I'm very happy to see an anti Harry Reid pop-up ad while at Bunni's. What about that confuses you?

  8. I thought maybe you were correlating it with the picture in the video?

    Thinking that and knowing you are a humorist I could not get the point?

    Alas I was over-thinking it and thank you for the clarification, I have my coffee now too.

  9. Christopher, I have you trained well, suspicion everything I do as being wacky.

  10. Now, if it would only come true.
    Hey, did you hear that Harry's son has his own campaign for Governor ad out where he does not use his last name.

    I wonder why???

  11. I love the ad! Harry Reid needs to be booted out of office this November. He deserves to be stomped on big time.

  12. Odie,,,lmao,,

    By the by,,the dude being assaulted by the cat looks very similar to your infamous blog pic???

  13. Lady, He looks like a chip off the old block. He looks just like a super weenie like his old man.

    I live just across the border from Reno and I hear it all.

  14. Teresa, I sure hope Harry's time has come. It really sounds like Nevada has had enough of him.

  15. Chistopher, you need to visit Bunni's and see this video. He does look a little like me, but that's a fox not a cat.

  16. Once again, I"m happy you like my cuteness.
    Odie, you are correct....I have to put these things up, otherwise we'd be looking at obumbles all the time, and I would be puking 24/7.

  17. Bunni, I'm already puking 24/7 from the antics in Washington.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.