Sunday, June 27, 2010

Those Wacky Walmart Shoppers Again II

Why are all these guys following me everywhere?

Oh!! It looks like Pirates of the Caribbean went horribly, horribly wrong!
Not even close to a treasure! Just take what you want and leave us all alone!

I appreciate the effort in trying to add some flare to your matching grey sweats combo,
 but it was probably better without the port holes and the stringy fringe balls that a cat
wouldn't even play with.

If you start at the bottom and slowly work your way up, you will literally
forget it's a dude every time and shock yourself over and over again!


  1. Supi, brain bleach is a must when you visit Woodsterman. You should know that by now.

  2. I bet their daddies are proud....

    And is that Tim Gunn from Project Runway in the last picture?

  3. My UnRemember Machine is in final testing. Once it comes to market I'll get rich off of pictures like these!

  4. Odie, you make me want to dress up when I shop at Walmart now.

  5. No. 1 - I believe it!

    No. 2 - No comment.

    No. 3 - Hey, it's been awhile but I saw her at a go-go bar back in 1982!

    No. 4 - Gotta be in San Francico.

  6. Potatoes? No, thanks... I'll pass.

  7. The filth is pretty thick. Did I see what I thought I saw? LOL!

  8. Kristin, I haven't a clue. I can tell you I don't remember him from any crime drama.

  9. innominatus, I can unremenber it now just fine thank you.

  10. Opie, why wouldn't you ... that's what I do.

  11. Christopher, You just might have nailed them all.

  12. Nickie, You can't get healthy looking, like me, without lots of potatoes.

  13. Teresa, I haven't a clue ... there's only 4 not 5.

  14. Just think, when Chicago builds all the supposed walmarts that have just been ok'd. It they build one in my area, I can see these nit wits live and in person!

    On second thought, Maybe I'll just order online.

  15. Maybe the bansturbaters who harp on about the "Obesity Epidemic" have a point or, more likely, just a few beached whales like these skew the stats so much the average comes out as way overweight.

  16. Bunni, you miss the point ... you can become one yourself.


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