Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Difference Between the USA and Muslim Countries.


  1. Good one! I must say, I have never seen a goat(?) in that position before.

  2. Mister... A chihuahua is lighter and smaller. On the bright side, he didn't stuff the goat in a purse.

  3. Sonia, you don't put your date in a purse.

  4. Hi Odie, I see in the interest of good taste, you did not show the pic of the guy and the goat 15 minutes prior. He was sitting lower on the guys back, and the pervy guy wasn't wearing pants....hee hee.

  5. Christopher, I don't think I want to touch that one.

  6. Bunni, you get the idea ... you see, it's not their first date.

  7. I don't blame ya Odie, it is just I see the resemblence to historical depictions of Satan and of course the debauchery related to the devil.

  8. That goat looks a bit too keen to me, Odie!

  9. >a goat

    That's not a goat. That's Harry Reid.

  10. Christopher, I understand completely where get this, but the post is about dating.

  11. Spidey, It looks as if he's been there before.

  12. Bastiatarian, I guess that just shows we all don't share the same fantasies.

  13. That certainly is a contrast.

  14. I'm just glad the guy riding with the goat didn't have a "Just Married" sign dangling from the back with a few cans tied to strings.

    "Baaaaaaaaa" means "No".

  15. I thin you're onto something, Odie.

    In the Muslim photo (below) the guy passing by is saying, "what a hot looking goat!"

  16. LL, that IS one hot looking goat, don't you think.

  17. Well dude, I think that guy on the motorcycle jus' stole my date, guess I'll have to go to plan "B", or is that plan "G"...baaaaaaa.

    Mike aka thatmrgguy

    Hey, I added you to my list of infamous people ( blogroll)

  18. Thatmrgguy, Thanks for the link. I'll check your blog out after the gin wears off ... Baaaaaaaa.


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