Monday, June 21, 2010

Red Green's Snowball Throwing Machine

We haven't seen red for awhile ...


  1. That guy's an inspiration. Must start converting my Ford Focus now, ready for the winter. And those gloves say "high fashion" to me. Funny clip :o)

  2. He is posted here regularly. I have a whole collection of him at YouTube.

    Lady, I always pictured you driving a hot Jaguar.

  3. I need snowballs, it's too humid out here!

  4. @Odie - Will track him down on YouTube

    A Jag? Yes why not ...... she dreams ..... I quite fancy one of these .......

  5. Yep, Have not seen Red in some time. Odie, if my memory serves Red is Canadian right?

  6. So do I Supi. If you click the YouTube on my sidebar, you can see the 40 of them I have collected on my channel.

  7. Opie, Boys to Men love them all. We Snowmobiler's call duct tape "high speed tape".

  8. Bunni, not me, they make my crotch too cold.

  9. Lady, click on my sidebar YouTube and then go to my downloads. You'll find 40 of them there.

  10. Something tells you and Red are cut from the same cloth.

  11. Hilarious Odie! That snowball machine was cool.

  12. Jake, I never thought of it like that, but you could be on to something.

  13. Teresa, every old guy, with a van, that can't run or throw needs one.


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