Thursday, June 17, 2010

Parenting Skills II

Behind every great child is a great parent....
Thanks Dan


  1. Odie,

    These are so bittersweet and have a message on so many levels (he said, overstating the obvious).

    The one that sends chills down my spine is the lady letting her daughter play with the plastic bag. You *just know* that will re-occur at home when the mom is out of sight/earshot.


  2. Great collection of pics, Odie!
    Poor little girl at the end, she needs to
    wear sunscreen.

  3. Bunni, oh those nice sunny summer days.

  4. Woody... Stay the hell out of my family photo album.

  5. I've been that kid on the back of the motorcycle may times. Nothing like hanging onto the turn signals for dear life while trying not to get burned on the exhaust pipes. Woooo!

  6. Sorry Nickie, I didn't think you were looking.

  7. I hope these parents are reading along on your blog.

  8. lol, Nickie. Some of these look a bit too familiar to me too.

  9. Opie, Some people just aren't as wise as you.

  10. Nickie and Kristin, how well do you two know each other?

    I believe my son is going to be in one of these groups of photos coming up.

  11. Woody, where did you u get that tshirt!

  12. Righty, You don't just get them, you earn them.


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