Friday, June 18, 2010

Those Great Inventors Never Stop ...

FLASH ... A New Cell Phone for Seniors ...
I could use me one of them.

Thanks David


  1. The phone ring was loud enough for you to hear the phone ringing across the street too.

  2. Odie,

    There is actually an app for the iPhone that has a rotary dialer. Coupled with the old-fashioned "ringer" ring tone, it transports one back to a gentler day.

    Actually, truth be told, I miss the old, built-like-a-brick-sh!t-house GTE home phones. The had good audio and never went flying all over creation when you attempted to pick one up.

  3. I worked for Pac Bell for 30 years, and there's nothing like the old Western Electric Desk top dial set. I still have one in the bedroom that's 30 years old.

  4. Odie, Thanks for this post!

    It so reminds me of my dad in a very fond way and so wish he were still with us so I could show him this picture. The laughs over beers I can almost hear and taste now!

    Thank You!

  5. Some stole my idea! Seriously, thats not too bad. I would buy one!

  6. No. I am wishing for 1960's black phones because I could hear the ring outside.

  7. My wife (who refers to herself as an "analog person") says that she wants one of these.

  8. This is a neat little invention. I remember my grandparents having one of those type of phones.

  9. Christopher, I'm here to help in the laughs department.

  10. Supi, I know I know ... I just like to jib on occasion. But now you can take the cordless outside with you, and you don't have to run to answer it.

  11. This is a cute phone, Odie. I had those too w/ my grandma back in the day! This phone is small, for squirrels.

  12. Bunni, they already have there own number. I wonder if I should post that here.


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