Friday, July 3, 2015

You're Offended . . . . SO WHAT!


  1. I'm offended that you're not offended at what I'm offended at...or... something. See what you did? Now I'm offended because I forgot what you did to offend me......Damn!

  2. I'm sick and tired of all this shit and not going to take it anymore, but alas nobody gives a fuck! Yep, I finally got the fricking frog outta my throat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hell, I almost forgot too tell all of you folks how I really feel about the current state of affairs in AMEKICIA. Hell that's what I'm beginning to think about a nation that would elect a fucking progressive monkey to sit behind the desk in the Oval Office who knows nothing, but to put his filthy paws atop a place that should be sacred to most! Get that SOB out of Washington---or should I say get Washington out of that SOB and lets get on with AMERICA!!!!!! Some may say Ron's on a rant----Rant my fucking ass, this is how I really feel and the fricking gorilla in the room has been loosed!

  4. amen Woodsy!!! Blessed Independence Day to you and yours my friend!!! red white and blue hugsssssssss!!! :-)

  5. Ron, frogs don't belong in throats.

  6. Ron, oh it's a rant alright, but it's a good and needed rand.

  7. WHT, Red, White, and Blue hugs back at you. Guess who's working on the forth?

  8. Well another rats ass indeed!

  9. I stole the offend one. I love these. You and I think so very much alike. So very much alike.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  10. Love these pics, but I have to say I'm still offended by the last post pic ;)

  11. Ron's frog is parked in my throat. Enjoy what might be our last Fourth.

  12. Randy, where would a rat be without it.

  13. Trailbee, the libs are going to outlaw it?


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