Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Canada To Change Their $2 Coin . . . .


The Royal Canadian Mint has just announced they are going to remove the polar bear from the $2 coin in view of its demise due to global warming.
At the height of political correctness, they will replace it with 2 gay deer.
The coin will now be called “2 fuckin’ bucks"!
Thanks Hal



  1. The Gaystapo will stop at nothing.

  2. I think that we need to do the same thing here, but on the coin it should say, 2 fuckin' bucks on one side and have the rainbow white house on the other. If you're queer, you only pay with those coins. Nobody else will use them.

  3. Why not just put a Fag (meant to say Flag) on the coin!

  4. Good grief. The world has gone mad and it appears that Biden is going to throw his hat in the ring for president. God help us.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Well, I can't share that one with the church ladies, but it is a dandy!

  6. Curmudgeon, if they did I wouldn't have been able to post this. It would be nice if they would just go away though ... maybe back into their closets?

  7. Sandee, it's great when we have many loons on the other side running. Biden can only suck (get the gay reference?) votes away for Hillary.

  8. Their 1 dollar is called the looney.

  9. LMAO... Gotta snatch this ;-)


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