Monday, July 6, 2015

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style X

Awww ~ For The Love Of Goats
 Aamir and liz on their first date.
 Abdul and Bessie have been dating for quite awhile.
 Here's Fifi and her Madam.
 Awww, the starting of an orgy.
See the smiles? This is after the orgy.

I hope "Awww Monday" recovers from this.


  1. Funny captions, buuuuuut I want to know how in heck they got those goats to hang on the them. Really.

  2. The sodomites have now forced us to treat them with dignity.

    I think its time for goat-dom to receive its due as well.

    You have paved the way for this long overdue movement, Odie.

  3. Adrienne, did you not read Jan's comment? It's love. It's love.

  4. Fredd, I just felt I had to do my part.

  5. Bwahahahahahaha. I love how your mind works Odie. I really do and I'm right proud you joined Awww Mondays and did it your way.

    Have a terrific Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  6. I can always always get a hearty laugh visiting your blog....and I am still laughing! Have a great week she said sheepishly....

  7. There's a lot of tender love going on there.

  8. Have you ever read The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski?

  9. Be prepared for the word "zoophile".

    Anthony Kennedy will be schooling us in its dignity.

  10. Kathe W, Does we gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling? I'm here to make you laugh. That's my job.

  11. LL, it's down right scandalous if you ask me. Too many smiles on too many goats faces.

  12. Trailbee, huh? Who paints birds. That's not one of them preverted books about love batwix parrots and fellers is it?

  13. edutcher, That there homosexual marriage confuses me. Now you wanta be puttin marriages in zoos?

  14. Bestiality during WWII in Eastern Europe. Very educational. Did the author in, walked into the ocean and drowned himself. You'd like it - has that European classy savoir de fairy. :) I think they ate the goats.

  15. Trailbee, ate the goats before or after intimacy?

  16. This reminds me of my favorite GEICO commercial with the yelling goat. That is hilarious, as are your pics. Goats are even more underrated than pigs.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.