Sunday, July 12, 2015

Insanity ~ Woodsterman Style

Thanks Dan


  1. I started the video and then stopped it. I hate heights. With a passion.

    I did link you to Silly Sunday. People who do some of this stuff are very silly.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Even though some made me flinch I enjoyed that and I love the track too :-)

    Have a daredeviltastic day :_)

  3. Adrienne, you be funny. I took my walk just this morning.

  4. Steve, unlike Sandee I had no problem watching it. I did my share of crazy stuff in my yute too.

  5. That was cool!!! I remember having pogo sticks growing up and I'm pretty sure me n' my brother tried all of those bike tricks! :D Great memories, great video. Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. Magical Mystical MiMi, but did you ever jump off of a garage roof onto a trampoline?

  7. Nothing I do today will come close to this madness (I'm jealous).

  8. Darla, My past was filled with crazy, but that's just it ... my past.


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