Thursday, October 24, 2013

Your Government Made Easy . . . . Well . . . .

And you ask: "Could a sheeple understand this?"

This is a little old, but the message hasn't changed.
Below: A sheeple that could be the one's son.
Thanks David !


  1. I'm sure that the federal government will increase the subsidies to protected classes to insure that their health insurance is completely free irrespective of how much debt the nation incurs.

    It's the only way to keep the votes coming.

  2. Actually, those folks won't have to pay for Obummercare. We will have to pay for them. Redistribution of wealth.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  3. We have a good chunk of America, the parasite class, that does not work, never served, doesn't like to work, nor produces anything. Heck they don't even consider themselves like Americans... and I'm not talking about the muslims... Some have lived off us tax-payers and the productive class for four generation now...
    Not sure how these folks are gonna buy health insurance, any insurance or contribute to this...
    Not to worry though, the imperial Feds will tax us more or borrow our children's future to provide great health care for these folks, well, until their death... You and I will be paying for those subsidies too...

  4. James, welcome to the socialist's Utopia ... well, for them anyway.

  5. That last one is probably a big reason ChoomCare is flopping.

    They really did think it was gonna be free.

  6. I don't see this debacle failing because the MSM will tell us it isn't. The numbers will be doctored to prove it's a win win.

  7. They only want to help themselves to working Americans' wallets.

  8. Edutcher, whatcha mean I gots my free fone.

  9. Cube, it can be as easy as printing more money.

  10. That first one explains it all very well. And as for the free shit, well to those who think something is free I only have one thing to say: "it may not cost you dollars out of your pocket to get those food stamps, obamaphones, subsidized housing, and obamacare, but the price you paid if far higher (your freedom and self-respect)". But then most of those who think that stuff is really free never had either.

  11. A lot of the parasites are going to react just like that guy in the second graphic!

  12. AOW, I hope you're right. That way maybe the end of it will come from the left.

  13. Odie,
    We know several blacks who work at the local auto-parts warehouse. We haven't seen them since Mr. AOW's stroke, but we well recall how they relied on government freebies the entire time that we knew these folks. I'm sure that they are outraged that they have to pay for ObamaCare.

    Just sayin.


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