Saturday, October 5, 2013

Girls of Fox News ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Other Rule 5 ers:


  1. That's one of the nicest things about Fox News. The women are all so much prettier than the liberal crones on the mainstream channels.

  2. It is wonderful to see such lovely ladies report the news...And if Megyn Kelly ever hits the market...

  3. LL, you are indeed a connoisseur of news.

  4. Genius! Beauty with brains!!

    Judge Jeanine Pirro!

    And, more cowbell too!

  5. Admiral, is there a better reason to watch FOX?

  6. Laurie Dhue was probably the pretties newscaster I remember.

  7. I wish they had more male eye candy. Until then I'll just enjoy a girl crush on Meghan Kelly.

    (go 49ers)

  8. Spot on Odie. I've always thought those gals are more than pretty. Good looks and brains indeed.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  9. Poodleygirl, You found me. Thanks for stopping by. I'll have to get a Chip'n Dales review going for you girls.

  10. Sandee, perzackly ... and include the female visitors to Woodsterman in that mix too.

  11. Thank Roger Ailes (and a little Neal Cavuto) for that parade.

    Opus #6 said...

    Laurie Dhue was probably the pretties newscaster I remember.

    She had a drinking problem when she was on Fox, but she's apparently beaten it.

  12. There is a reason Bob Beckel is on Fox...he's stupid, but he ain't that stupid...

  13. Damn Odie, thanks for opening my eyes. Now I know why I watch FOX News.

  14. Edutcher, She drank because she had to work with Geraldo Rivera toward the end.

  15. Ron, you're not really that slow are you?


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