Sunday, October 6, 2013

RINO Alert .... RINO Alert .... 2

May I present the greatest RINO of them all.

Here he is, "Mr. Reach Across the Aisle."

John McCain hates everything the TEA Party
stands for because they believe in limited government.
He loses power under that scenario. This is the power
the main stream media has bestowed him as the "official"
voice for the Republican Party. The Lame Stream Media
loves this man because he agrees and fights for the ideals
of the left more than he does his own party's or the 
American People.

Well John, get back to your cocktail party with Chuck U. Schumer.


  1. Who is that guy again? Looks a lot like a 2-time loser.

  2. McCain is a douche-bag, and so is his big chested daughter.

  3. I lived in AZ for 35 years...I was only forced to vote for him in 2008, when he elected Obama.

  4. I can't help but think that he was funded by the DNC.

  5. Opie, next to California's and Nevada's gift to the Senate, Arizona's is right up there.

  6. Joe, Wow, we don't hear you complain about big chested women often.

  7. Race, We've been forced to hold our noses to vote all too often.

  8. LL, I'm sure he was, and he took it with a smile.

  9. When I think about Arizona politics two men come to mind. McCain and Goldwater. I remember a quote from Barry Goldwater that goes something like this when he was accused of being an extemist in the 1964 election, "extemism in defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue"! McCain, must have forgotten these words.

  10. McCain isn't a RINO, he's a democrat in RINO clothing.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  11. I predict that if the shutdown lasts much longer or if Cruz prevails, McCain will give it up and "officially" switch to the Democrat Party. He's a de facto Democrat now.

  12. Ron, I don't think he ever knew what those words meant.

  13. Sandee, I think you're on to something.

  14. Alligator, Welcome to Woodsterman, and it sounds you know RINOcCain well.

  15. 07HEMI4ME, could be you're onto something. Welcome to Woodsterman.

  16. Yeah, what Joe Schmo said -- "McCain is a douche-bag, and so is his big chested daughter." Not that I have anything against big chested women (I try to get against 'em any chance I get) but Lefty-Libtards are out! And when McCain's big chested daughter said, "RED TIL I'M DEAD, BABY!" I have to wonder if she was referring to the Communist Party.

  17. Marine, both she and her father say it ever day, and they mean the commies.


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