Sunday, October 20, 2013

RINO Alert .... RINO Alert .... 4

I'm sure you've all heard of the Lion King ... well ...

If the RINOs were an orchestra here is their conductor.
This moron has the audacity to refer to himself as
Conservative. This little pasty boy needs to rid the
countryside of truffles. This is the man that has his
hand up Reince Priebus' back, as in puppet master.


  1. If the RINOs were a boys choir, he'd be the guy with the scalpel.

  2. Or he could use this.

  3. Yup, Its high past time for Rove and his 'white board' to take a hike,,,,

  4. Christopher, I would prefer something worse than a hike myself.

  5. It's time for all the RINO's to leave. Long overdue.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. I despise them all so very much, it is difficult to figure out which is the worst.

  7. It goes a lot higher than him.

    Look at the Whigs in the Senate.

  8. I wish that guy would 'Rove' - far, far from America.

  9. I looked up RINO in the dictionary - you're right. It was Rove's picture.

  10. Brooke, I'm up to number four and there are many more. Flip a coin.

  11. Edutcher, I'm adding to the list weekly. There will be plenty to hate.

  12. LL, see you can actually learn things by coming here. It's not just about boobs any more, but they're nice to learn about too.

  13. John McCain doesn't have anything on Karl Rove---they both have a "liberal in the woodpile" to paraphrase an old southern saying---think you know what!

  14. I'm still trying to understand RINOS like Rove, Bushes, McCains, and other leftist Republicans... They call themselves Conservatives and yet Have decided to side with the globalist against America on many issues... On everything from Common Core to Foreign policy issues they side with leftist globalists... The only think they are on the right about is economics and finances. if that. And Even in that they suck to high heavens...

    For some reason I want to say Bushes and other RINOS in power decided that Reagan's Conservatism was isolationist for America... They are of the Rockefeler wing that have grown even further left...

    It seems in the 90s RINOS decided to side with the UN charlatans and the likes of Soros, lewis, Strong, and other Globalist and try to make the globalist in America's image... And sold the Republican party instead... YOu know... NWO with an American tint... These idiot never realizing they are/were sleeping with the enemy that is determine to destroy them and tare apart the America they hope to rescue...
    And folks like McLaim, Rove, Corker, Graham, are still sticking to their version of American Globalism...

    Have they completely sold out America to the global left is yet to been determined...
    We know they rather hang with the NYC and DC folks than us Cruz-like hicks...

  15. James, We have to scare these RINOs with the TEA Party and our grass roots efforts to make them irrelevant.


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