Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shut Er Down !


  1. I heard there are teams of people walking around discouraging people from looking at the Washington Monument.

    Okay, I made that up.

  2. If we could shut down more than 17% of it, maybe Obama would not have the manpower to harass us like he does. No more traffic cones and Barrycades.

  3. We don't need Government to walk in the woods? Who knew?

  4. Race, Der Leader has an endless supply of sheeple/commies to enlist.

  5. Starfish, How about 2,000,000 motorcycles to picket the White House?

  6. Randy, that would never cut the mustard with, sheeples, commies, Sierra Clubers, and meddling lefties.

  7. Now we know why so many government agencies are being armed to the teeth. Those wheelchair bound veterans can be pretty vicious!

  8. Ground Air Force One. That alone will save us billions as much as he travels to his vacations. The democrats have to take their share of the blame here. Yes they do.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  9. Without Big Gov who will shut down the roads and inflict the pain...Shovel ready SH**!

  10. Subvet, Those vets can kick their asses.

  11. Sandee, I give them all the blame, but then I'm a real bastard.

  12. Scotty, exactly! We need big government to make sure we have big government.

  13. Does it tell us anything that 83% of the government is up and running with 83% of its workers furloughed as non essential?

  14. Edutcher, a government that's too big?

  15. It's enough to make one sick. President Obama has NO RESPECT,for our national monuments, our soldiers, our honored traditions. The man is so self-centered because he likes no one but himself and sees himself as the only person in a crowded room.

  16. @ edutcher -- If 83% of the workers are on furlough because they're non-essential, then why do they have the job to begin with? (That's a rhetorical question.) What it amounts to is a paid MORE vacation time until they can get back to their desks and get on with sitting around stapling their fingers together.

  17. Latest is, park service removing handles from water faucets in parks and along trails.

  18. Proof, how much more did you think it costs to close the parks?

  19. I wish that Mr. AOW and I could get out and about so as to see how many places around us have been coned off. A lot of federal properties here in Northern Virginia!

    We need a National Move the Cones Day. Grab as many cones as you can, then pile them up all around the White House.

      That's the best idea I've ever heard! That would be a fantastic sight. More people would probably go see THAT rather then the monuments Bathhouse has shut down!

  20. Marine, Could you imagine a million man march around the White House. His Commie advisers would cry like little girls while they hid in the bunker.


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