Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stop Shoveling ~ Snow Is For Fun


  1. The kids and the dog are having so much fun.

  2. Supi, is there really such a thing as too much fun?

  3. I always wanted to have a dog but it was not to be; started with asthma 'caused' by them and then living in apartments without a 'yard'.

    Seems to me that dog is jealous of the 'sledge' and all the attention it is getting which reminds me that me and all my mates in London C.1970's had sledges (tobogans), proper wooden ones with metal rails not these skimpy plastic efforts that, as I recall, we used most years in the very hilly and extensive parks of north London but which Social Scientists would have us believe are simplistic False Folk Memory syndrome; well I know different and have the photos to prove it.

  4. When you put dogs, kids and snow together, the results are predictable.

  5. Looks like fun! Snow is in our forcast for Christmas.

  6. I'm glad someone enjoys the snow. I loathe it more each year, but what can you do.

    When I had doggies, they really loved it, and I liked it then too. THey had so much fun running around it in, playing...looking for snowballs I'd throw for them to "fetch". Ah the good old days.

    Don't get snowed under Odie, What a cute video!

  7. Naughty doggie likes to steal toboggans. Bad dog!

  8. Banned, I've had both types of sleds. There's a lot to be said for the new plastic ones. They go like a bat....

  9. Stopsign, if you don't get any snow, you can have some of mine.

  10. Euripides, it does look like fun. We could all use some of that with family and friends.

  11. Admiral, I had dogs that got just as goofy in the snow.

  12. That looked like the kids and doggie were having fun, fun, fun! While growing up I enjoyed playing outside with my dogs in the snow.


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