Monday, December 13, 2010

NEW Motivational Posters II ...


  1. What has been seen, cannot be un-seen is exactly how I looked when I saw O handing the presidency over to slickster at the press conference.

  2. Supi I know ... "Here Willy you Beee president for a day."

  3. Odie,

    Thanks for this. Some of these have special meaning to me. WRT the Rock Bottom poster, kinda reminds me of the last two days. So, how was your weekend?

  4. These were great, esp. the lst kitty one!
    Have a happy week, Odie.

    PS: what's pending and patent up to, they need to wear funny christmas hats like the kitteh's on my blog...hee hee.

  5. TWP, Depending on your point of view, it was better than yours.

  6. Bunni, Pending has his hat, but he doesn't feel it's time yet.

  7. Those pics were great Odie!! Poor Kitty, beware when the paw meets the claw.

  8. Lol, "The bitch slap" had to be my favorite, But I wonder what you would call it when my cat slaps my dog around! :)

  9. Stopsign, if your dog is female it fits.

  10. The Rock Bottom Lady seems to be in a correctional facility or is it just a basketball court?

  11. Banned, it would be my guess it's a bus stop.

  12. Absolutely rock bottom. I have been there before but never in a floral print dress though.

  13. Admiral, I'll bet you'd look good in it though.

  14. RockBottom? No. Thats somewhere under the about 50 feet.


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