Saturday, December 18, 2010

NEW Motivational Posters IV ...

Thanks Dan


  1. That last pic. I want to know how she got up there?

  2. Funny, That is not the way I pictured a uterus.

    Drink til you want me? Too bad that T Shirt was not available 30 years ago.

  3. Admiral, I can't help with the uterus, except it resembles drawings I've seen.

    The T-shirt, now those are words to live by ... even today.

  4. If my brothers ever curl their arm muscles like the first picture, I will be ready. Thanks Odie.

  5. These are all super funny. Thanks for the morning pick-me-up.

  6. I think in the last photo, That chair was going to have to follow her home..Whether it want's to or not :)

  7. Where did you get that photo of me and my guitar?

  8. The chair? I'd be a little worried about the stadium!!

  9. I really didn't need to see "chairs". How do I get rid of that image?

  10. stopsign, that chair is definitely part of from now on.

  11. Trestin, it's all part of that blackmail scheme.

  12. innominatus, you hear that big sucking sound?

  13. Nickie, brain bleach seems to work for everyone else.

  14. Odie: Once again you've introduced a photo which, once seen, will necessitate pouring bleach into my eyes until the image goes away. That is a rare gift.

  15. I'm motivated to never go out in public again, Odie....lest I see an awful sight like the last one.
    That lady obviously doesn't have a mirror, or scale, at home.

  16. Euripides, thank you for the most wonderful compliment a growing boy could ever receive.

  17. Bunni, yes she does, they're stuck in the chair under her.

  18. Is that the woman's behind or do she bring her house along with her?

  19. Dark Side, there's a refrigerator in there too.

  20. Blogger Nickie Goomba said...
    I really didn't need to see "chairs". How do I get rid of that image?

    December 18, 2010 1:30 PM

    ..Nicky, I think Odie had a motivational poster on that a while ago about "some things cannot be un-seen.." or sumpin'.

    But, I am with you. It is troubling.

  21. TWP, stand back, that thing is dangerous. It eats chairs, and no telling what will do with a man. Then when the process is reversed ... let's not think about that.


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