Monday, December 27, 2010

Political Smirks 2


  1. As a professional community agitator, Obama has spent his life trying to get money out of government. In his present position, he has hit the jackpot.

    Lord help us these next two years.

  2. Opie, in this country congress controls the purse strings. Let's hope the people we sent there do what we asked them to do.

  3. I sure hope they do what we ask.

  4. LL, it's just a little closer than the last time you asked me.

  5. The new majority in the House better kick ass 'til their feet hurt. If they go squishy on spending, we're screwed.

  6. innominatus, Yes we're screwed, but if they get squishy they're SCREWED!

  7. Those creeps are spending more of our money on their latest vacation. If only they'd jump into a volcano.
    On a lighter note, I found a video that really reminds me of the grifter in chief, you'll love it!


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