Sunday, December 5, 2010

Speaking of Snow - Red Green and the Snowball Machine


  1. Old age and treachery at its finest!

  2. Supi, We think alike ... you're my kind of girl.

  3. Treachery Supi?

    I would use the term ingenuity which Red Green applies in every instance.

    On a side note, do kids still throw snowballs at cars? I have not seen that in years.

  4. Christopher, I've been in snow country for 31 years. I think I've seen it maybe once.

  5. I wish he would fix my internet. I'll bet he would make it do some things I've never even dreamed of.

  6. Odie, lol! I loved it..We just got almost 2 inches of snow.Psst! Can I borrow this machine? I know a kid that is just asking for it! He got me good! lol

  7. Trestin, he'll help you out with a squirrel in a cage.

  8. Stopsign, go for it, I just know that someone smart enough to visit here can surely invent a snowball throwing machine.

  9. Red Green, the man of many inventions.

    That was great! Speaking of snow, I've had a little bit of the white stuff over the past few days.

    Kevin doesn't like that 4 letter word, LOL!

  10. Red Green is really growing on me. He's such a sweetie.


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