Sunday, December 12, 2010

NEW Motivational Posters...


  1. Opie, It takes a mind like mine to collect these.

  2. Christopher, "cake?" ... Is that a fat joke?

  3. Well Odie, it was not intended that way but now that you mention it?

  4. Hi Odie! These were great, I must say I'm totally motivated now. I might be even more so If I had been hanging out with the cute bunnies, but I'm trying my best. Happy Sunday! I love the little owl too.

  5. Odie, I must :)

  6. Christopher, It takes a lot to sneak something past this lert guy.

  7. I could have done with the pot bunni pic twenty years ago. I took over a ground floor apartment from a couple of hippy types that I vaguely knew. They left me their rabbit because their new place had no garden.

    That rabbit was like a Fun Day Mentalist Rabbit but I found out why when the hippies came back after a couple of days to ask for their pot plants back and guess what...?

  8. Thanks Banned, you have to watch out for those Bunnies.

  9. Thanks Admiral, Don't worry. I never do something like this for one day.


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