Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Political Smirks 4

Thanks Allison @ A Daily Laugh (H/T)


  1. I live on a street with 10 houses. 6 of them are in foreclosure and the occupants haven't made a payment in 2 years. Each of those people have new cars.

    Welcome to the ObamaNation.

    Those neighbors banded together two years ago and are fighting to stay in their homes without paying the mortgage. Those of us (including me) who pay their bills are viewed as being obscenely stupid.

    The "bad" neighbors kept refinancing their homes during the expansion of the bubble and each are somewhere around $500K upside down on their payments to value.

    Welcome to the ObamaNation.

  2. LL, I saw a lot of people doing the same thing here. Many are upside down in there mortgages too. We're among the "Evil Smart" ourselves.

  3. The progressives should be more honest...but they are not they are lowlife scum....its always all about them USING the black community and rallying blacks to get out and vote.
    The progressives are racists in the trust form...they use the blacks to get what they want. Most of these A-holes show up because they get a free bus ride, free meal and even a small expense, just like the "old days" when these lobby organizations would hire people from the flop houses.

  4. hey there ..thanks so much for the vis to the bumper sticker..heh..come again!:)

  5. The people I work with look at me like I'm a space alien when I tell them I have no debt. However that does not mean I will not be paying other debt off.

  6. The situation is out of hand. I work with a guy (wife and two kids) who refied his home multiple times and then had to sell it for a loss on the premise of moving closer to work when gas was @ $4/gallon.

    Now he lived 1hr 30min away at the time and only moved 10 min closer to work and carried the debt to the new house which in old times he would not even qualify. Now this to he has refied and now faces foreclosure. All of his credit cards are maxed out and now seeks a mobile home or trailer. How he will get money for that I have no clue?

    He is mad at the government for no help. He forgets the government is allowing bankruptcy proceedings.

    Can you guess what political ideology he conforms too?

  7. Conservative16, Stop sugar coating it. Are you one of the "evil Smart" too?

  8. WHT, I would love to visit often ... and I will.

  9. Trestin, I'm with you .... you "evil smart".


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