Saturday, December 4, 2010

Come Fly With Me ... Redneck Style


  1. When there is a will to avoid TSA, Rednecks will find a way.

  2. Supi, I can't but believe you're right. I don't know where that came from ... but you're right.

  3. I was afraid that person would get hurt. Thank goodness they were OK.

  4. That would have killed me.

    I bet her innards are all which ever ways after that.

  5. She has alot more guts than I've got...Then again I don't think I would have had any guts left after that!

  6. Aw, nothing to it Admiral ... yeah, Right!

  7. Looks like something I would do - but then I'm crazy...

  8. Now that looks fun!

    I remember when I first was introduced to the Boy Scouts (being a Webelo at the time) at their camp to show us the next step in scouting, what fun.

    They had rigged-up a pulley system of ropes between two large trees and with two large teams of scouts at both ends. They would pull the ropes alternately gliding us through the air back and forth at high rates of speed between the two trees much the same distance the gal in the video traveled.

    I think the Scouts had just as much fun pulling the ropes as we Webelos had flying!

  9. Holy shitka, Odie!! Oh my goodness! That was crazy.

    That looked like it could be fun, but also dangerous.

  10. How much booze was involved? Actually looks like fun!

  11. Adrienne, That a Girl ... Have fun every chance you get, but wait awhile after you eat.

  12. Christopher ... George, George, George of the jungle .... WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE !

  13. Teresa, just pull 'er back and lit 'er go.

  14. Righty, it's Redneck fun ... of course there was booze.

  15. If you wet yourself, you could claim "cause".


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.