Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rule #5 Woodsterman Style ~ At The Range


  1. Supi, Sexy women and guns ... great combo.

  2. Meh. She stands off balance when she shoots.

  3. Who cares if she hits the target?

    For the sake of her misc. loved ones, they may be happier if she can't.

  4. In the Corps were always told to stay away from them, but I never listened, perhaps that's why I always got into so much trouble.

  5. Elwood... Lock and load!

  6. I noticed she handed the fire arm back in the wrong position! Ofcourse I bet no one else noticed that :)

  7. That place looks like fun.
    I'm glad the lady didn't deflate one of her boobs with the kick from the rifle ;-)

  8. Woodsterman, you need to pay a visit to Virtual Mirage and the latest Rule 5 post. It may change how you view the news forever.

  9. LL, I'll do that ... is it the "Naked News"?

  10. Wow! My range never looks like that!

  11. @Keads, Did you not notice how she handed that gun back? And your range did look like that in July I think it was..Don't you see the resemblance? LOL

  12. stopsign, how many times do have to ask? What in the world are you talking about? See What?

  13. @Odie, look at the video around 2:17 and see the position of the gun when she hands it back..Psst! Look at only the gun (-: ( I had a teacher that would have YELLED at me for handing it back that way.

    @Bunnie, Saw your comment just now. LOL

  14. I have it. Stopsign was calling out the fact that the "Talent" did not present the revolver correctly when she handed to the instructor or whatever he was. I taught her to always present a revolver with the cylinder open and the open face presented to the person accepting the firearm.

    And yes I would have yelled at her if she did not do so with me!

  15. Keads, what firearm, what are you two talking about?

  16. Thanks teach! Now they know you yelled at me..:-)~

    @Odie,See I told you so! lol

  17. Odie,

    Don't worry about it! It was a great video!



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