Thursday, August 19, 2010

Those Wascally Walmart Shoppers VII

Yes!!!!!  Blue is definitely your color! 
I was not aware that barbers were still using the salad bowl as a styling instrument.
WOW!  That’s so cool!  JanSport came out with a new flesh colored fanny-pack….wait….hold on….can it be….is it…..OH MY DEAR GOD!
I would like to officially nominate those pants for worst color option EVER!  Are you serious with that?   “Hey, let’s get skin-tight pants, make them in sizes where the words  ’skin-tight’  should be off-limits, and then produce them in a flesh color.”  What a great idea!
Ya really think ya gonna  be needing those condoms there, big fella?    

Thanks Dan 



  1. That was like using a blowtorch on my eyes.

    Thank you for ridding me of what was left of my sanity today.

    The third one down looks like it could be the WalMart in Melbourne.

  2. I've normally got a strong stomach but after seeing that collection!! .... think I need a lie down in a darkened room ....

  3. Admiral, that is sexy huh. The last one is my favorite. He must have lost a bet.

  4. CambridgeLady, I specialize in strengthening stomachs here. Your stomach should have been made strong by the past episodes. I don't get it.

  5. Odie - lion hair do dude partner is one of those people with sheep hair-do so they can roar and baa together.

  6. Odie, it was a odious collection.

  7. Opie ... most odious ... ain't it great.

  8. I have a distinct feeling that there are more to come...

    Let it roll Odie, these pics are brilliant!!!

    we laugh till we puke!..then laugh some more!!!

  9. Indy, laugh until you pukes? Is that a good thing or a WalMart photo viewing session thing?

  10. You make a really great case for retroactive birth control --- we need to pour chlorine into the gene pool.

  11. LL, That or put a guard at the chimpanzee cage.

  12. They get crazier looking every day. Ewwwww.
    I think they all could be walking advertisements for abstinence.

  13. Its a good thing Odie, especially when viewing your sort of humourous piccies!!!

  14. Ewww, that's put me right off my food, Odie - amazing how many nutters go to Walmart, mate!


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