Friday, August 13, 2010

A Person's Mind and Their Desk

William F. Buckley
Nat Hentoff
Albert Einstein


  1. Priceless, You would think he would at least have a framed certified copy of his birth certificate on there eh!

  2. Odie,

    ..well, I get up to take a whiz (I know, TMI) and check this post out.

    Sadly, I tend towards the clean-desk extreme and now the rest of the night is shot and I probably won't be getting too much sleep for the next..what? Fortnight or so, I'm guessing.

  3. Words can not do justice in this case.

  4. Indy, Nothing in the mind, so naturally there's nothing on the desk.

  5. TWP, as you can see by the time of my post I have a busy, busy day. I have to leave here in about an hour and go set up an arts and crafts booth.

    Nothing on the desk ... nothing in the mind ...

  6. Admiral, I didn't feel a lot of words were needed.

  7. Look, someone in the WH is keeping pens away from him.

  8. This says it all, Odie! The only thing obummer puts on the desk is his feet, the classless scum

    Have a good day with your crafts booth.
    I hope there aren't alot of walmart shoppers this time.

  9. If he just placed a bust of Winston Churchill on the desk he might appear intelligent,,,nope the jackass got rid of it.

    Great post Odie!

  10. Hey, if you only show up at the desk for photo ops, this is how clean it stays.

  11. He can't enjoy looking at his own reflection in the polished hardwood when there are too many things on the desk.

  12. Bunni, this guys reflection on the desk is scary.

    Great day today. No Walmart shoppers.

  13. Christopher, the bust of Winston would grow legs and run away, run away ...

  14. Opie, the flashes would bounce off that finish and ruin the photo.

  15. innominatus, I think you hit the nail on the head.

  16. Ok, I need to show my wife this. Maybe it will stop her complaining. She says in she walks in my office she gets tense.


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