Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stunning cartoon from 1934...WOW!

Keep in mind that this is from 1934!!!

This cartoon was in the Chicago Tribune in 1934. Look carefully at the plan of action in the lower left corner.
Remember the adage: 
"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it."  


  1. This is why so-called progressives are actually regressives. They are pushing old, tired, discredited policies.

  2. Opie, it's been going on since Marx wrote about these ideas. Our friends on the left have been trying to enact their plans here since the turn of the century.

  3. Yeah, but they've never been more successful at it than they are now...

  4. Hoping, and right under our noses. Don't you wish the blind could see ... good luck on that one. The left keeps giving goodies to buy votes.

  5. Good find Odie! Looks right off the presses of today.

    Sad state of affairs.

  6. Elwood... Ten points for a beautiful find.

  7. It would be a real shame if our current day policies lead to another dictatorship like the one post-'34 this cartoon predicts!!!

  8. Christopher, It really fits today's events.

  9. Nickie, To be honest, I have a team of scroungers looking high and low for me. Glad to see you here.


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