Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Those Wascally Walmart Shoppers VI

I'll bet you thought you were done with these.
Oh no you weren't .......
OH DAMN, Santa is WORKIN’  it.
HEY! HEY! ---HOLD STILL!!!   There’s a  f***in’ jellyfish on your head!   HOLD STILL SO I CAN GET IT OFF!!!   
Damn.  Now THOSE are some nice……????? Oh, her head's on backwards.
Before he died, did Elvis get a poodle pregnant?  I don’t know, I’m not here to judge....….Okay,  I am........but still......
How the hell did the White Witch of Narnia come through the wardrobe?



  1. Some days eye bleach just is not enough to un-see what has been seen.

    Good thing I am going to therapy today.

  2. Is sheep hair the new fashion trend in other parts of the country.

  3. This is a wilder group than usual.

  4. Santa is a out-of-the-closet Mardi Gras cross-dresser?!?!?

    Say it ain't so!

  5. Christopher, sorry Bud, I can't say it.

  6. Just when we thought it was safe.
    This is the hairy bunch!

  7. Bunni, it's never safe at WalMart or at Woodsterman either.

  8. Didn't that guy used to be in Devo? My, my, he has got a lot older!

  9. I'm crying, I'm laughing so hard. The jellyfist did it. Excuse me...I need a kleenex...

  10. Lady, you ain't seen nothin yet. My favorite just got posted today.

  11. Just when you thought that Wal Mart people couldn't get any weirder -- they top themselves.

    I think we need to round up the Wal Mart people and send them to an island somewhere so they can reproduce -- among themselves. Wait a couple hundred years and see what results. Weird science....

    You'd need to feed them, of course. Maybe an endless supply of Ho-Ho's and Twinkies.

  12. Just when you thought that Wal Mart people couldn't get any weirder -- they top themselves.

    I think we need to round up the Wal Mart people and send them to an island somewhere so they can reproduce -- among themselves. Wait a couple hundred years and see what results. Weird science....

    You'd need to feed them, of course. Maybe an endless supply of Ho-Ho's and Twinkies.

  13. You need to go to Nickie's to see why twinkies could be dangerous.


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