Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Those Wascally Walmart Shoppers II

Hey Hulk Hogan, guys with a full head of hair look stupid with a ponytail.  Wanna take a guess how good it looks without half your hair?
Hookers love cupcakes.  I have nothing else to add to that.  Can’t argue with the facts.
I don’t really know why Magic School Bus Lady is always at Walmart, because I don’t think they have any of the clothes she wears, nor do I know where you can find any of the things she wears.
 Why do I feel like at any minute now, a big arm-bar is going to swing out with a STOP sign on it?
 Sasselfratz, hibidibut, yzidili, guvukafet…. Oh, don’t mind me.  I’m just trying to think of new words to
describe this lady because I can’t seem to find any that already exist.



  1. These people are clueless. At least I have target & k-mart to shop at, they are almost as clueless.

  2. I never would have thought of putting 3 Musketeers look with Pippy Long Stockings and Jail bird. She really liked Carol Channing make up look too.

    The lady with the shorts - I bet she tells everyone she is a tiny size 6. It just isn't a pretty sight size 6

  3. I look forward to your Walmart Shoppers posts. The photos are hysterical. I'm headed to Walmart today. I'll keep a look out for these folks.

  4. Supi, what you're trying to say is they're all gorgeous, right?

  5. Lady, take plenty of pictures and send them to me at whatabunchofstupidwalmartshoppers at gargol dot com.

  6. That magic school bus person might not be a gal...

  7. Kristin, What you just wrote just about sums it up for us all ... there's more ...

  8. Opie, I've been wrong before, but I'm going by the legs and shoes on this one.

  9. #4 - A Kilt or skirt would be appropriate here (of the same pattern of course).

  10. Assuming that hookery-lookin' chick is actually a chick, then we may have finally found one that's not repulsive! :)

  11. Christopher, is your favorite color yellow?

  12. innominatus, would you like to meet her?

  13. Woosterman, your stuff is brilliant, love your caption to the last picture!
    Have just started an American Blogroll bit and am adding you now,thanks for all the laughs!

  14. Please add the missing Duh! oops!!!

  15. Hookers love cupcakes....

    I haven't laughed this hard in days :D

  16. LC, I followed you back, and you're doing Gods work at your site.

    Hookers Unite !

  17. I'm going out on a limb and suggest that all these people are Democratic Party faithful.


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