Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love Triangle

Thanks Bunni (HAT TIP)


  1. Thanks Opie, I owe it all to miss Bunni.

  2. Thanks, Odie, no h/t necessary! I know how you love these two......NOT!

  3. (Bunni is AMAZING, not merely amusing)

    Great video -- how on point!

  4. Bunni and Odie find the amazing videos.

  5. Bunni, of course a hat tip is necessary. What are Bunni Buds for?

  6. Supi, Bunni and I thank you for keeping this going.

  7. My Pleasure, thanks for the nice compliments, Odie,
    LL & Supi.....I think you two guys will LOVE me even more when you see my post today ;-)

  8. Bunni, will I like it, or should I stay here?

  9. Bunni, and there you go again. I guess I have to stay here. It'll be lonely with all of you at Bunni's.


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