Sunday, July 25, 2010

You've Been There Too Long Harry


  1. I can see so many politicians in that picture....Boxer, Pelosi, Rangel....the list goes on and on.

  2. Gosh he's a jerk!
    I can't WAIT until he's kicked to the trash heap of history, Odie.

  3. Should have stuck in the clueless line aboutthe auto bailouts saving FORD,,,lol

  4. Kristin, I can too, but Harry just captures the look of the lib intellectual I was looking for ... DUH!

  5. Bunni, I can't wait either, but Sharron needs all the help she can get before NOvember.

  6. Christopher, There are so many clueless moments I could have used.

  7. Thanks Opie ... it done come to me all of a sudden like.

  8. Harry Reid say he love the black man, but I just don't know. I think he loves votes (and that means power) more than anything else.

  9. PeaceLover, I have to agree. All you have to do is listen to him.

  10. I hope the voters in NV show Reid the door in November.

  11. Lady, my fingers and toes are crossed.


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