Saturday, July 17, 2010

This is it! The best poster ever ….


  1. Shades of Twain: "..and I was surprised at how much my father learned in four ears."

    Super poster! Wonder if they still print them?

    (P.S., I acceded to your wishes over on my site.)

  2. That's a good one. Glad I don't have any children.

  3. I love the poster. Need one desperately.

  4. TWP, a true friend you are indeed. Does this mean I now have to read it?

  5. Bunni, if you had children it would ring very true.

  6. I love it. Glad the teenage years are over in our house.

  7. I'm so not looking forward to those sassy teenage years. Any chance my boys will just skip it?

  8. Odie:

    Reading your blog daily almost makes one forget we live in The Peoples Republic of Californistan. It's that good!

    OK, well almost forget....

    Great poster, and many thanks!


    ps: How can I get in line for a new blog header? I pay in beer and Single Malt Scotch! Ask TWP!

  9. Odie, I love it! I don't need it at this very moment, but I should get one of these posters to hold in reserve....

  10. "get a job, pay your own bills" if only others this country would follow this same principle.

  11. I am going to print this out and tape it to the bathroom mirror!!!!

    LOL, No my daughter is just fine just a thought for others.

    p.s. Odie, "The Best Poster Ever"?
    You must mean; up til now, as I am quite sure you will dig up yet another treasure.

  12. Lady, I am also glad for the same reason.

  13. Kristin, Some do skip or skip some of "it". If you don't experience some of it, you'll wonder if your kids are normal.

  14. LTB, Thanks for the compliments.

    I bow to the alter of Beefeater Gin myself. I might take you up on your offer next time I'm down your way. Meanwhile, I'll get in touch with you to see what you have in mind for a design. You are first on the list and there is NEVER a charge for friends.

  15. Opie, you're going to have a whole bunch hitting that phase one after another ... oh my.

  16. Christopher, the mirror is a great place to hang one of these. Thank you sir, but I'm only as good as my sources.


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