Sunday, July 11, 2010

Oh Boy ... Bumper Stickers!

There are some brand new bumper stickers out there.
Not only that, but there are some old ones that have
been improved. But, I still have some old favorites
that I have posted because it's my blog and I'm in charge.
Feel free to take anyone you like.

Thanks Dan ...


  1. Speaking of bumper stickers, I have not seen an Obama '08 one in some time until the other day.

    I damn near rear-ended it on purpose while listening to El Rushbo, but as I was traveling to work I did not want to be late.

  2. I REALLY need to find the LOL! That is soooo appropriate!

  3. Woodie, these are great!

    I would like to "borrow" the end of an error, if ok with you!

  4. Christopher, Hell, it's only work ... kick-ass!

  5. Hoping, welcome to Woodsterman. You'll find one I'm sure, but remember the Libs think your car is fare game if you have it on your car. They aren't as nice as we are.

  6. Righty, read the bottom line. Most things on this site I consider barrowable. There are more coming. Feel free to take all you want.

  7. I love the LOL. I am looking forward for tomorrow's bumper stickers.

  8. Hi Odie, these are great pics and stickers, as usual. You are so generous to share with us. I'm sick of that tard's logo, and I never buy Pepsi because of it!

    PS: Pending is linked on my latest post. I finally came out of my bunker and wrote a new one.

  9. Odie,

    These are great! Although, technically, this reign of error (if Obama is only a one-termer) is 01-21-2013 - the 20th falls on a Sunday. But, then again, using the old service logic about one's current tour of duty consisting of n days and a wake-up, I guess it works.

    To the cheap, shameless plug here: your visitors might want to know about The Pantload's impending pre-vacation vacation to Maine this coming weekend.

    The guy is absolutely freaking tone-deaf.

  10. Supi, they'll be here for your enjoyment.

  11. Bunni, I'm a nice guy. To prove it, I'll go see what you're up to now. That is after I answer TWP.

  12. Hi Odie:
    Love the bumper stickers and I'm taking you up on the offer. The one that says "01-20-13 The End of an Error" made me laugh out loud.

  13. Lady, Have at it. There are more coming to a Woodsterman near you.

  14. "fix problem-blame bush" Brilliant.

  15. Banned, I think it's don't fix problem and blame Bush.

  16. Oooh, I likey! I'm snagging a few of deez.


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