Friday, July 9, 2010

Sleeping around…

It's ALWAYS the kids that suffer.
His name is  Zonkey.


  1. Supi, yes he is, but is he real or photochop? I just don't know.

  2. There are real zonkey and zorses in the world.

  3. Thank you Supi, you answered that question. I stand corrected.

  4. But how does he fill out his census form? He gets the mixed race subsidy I'll bet. Zorse Power!

  5. But how does he fill out his census form? He gets the mixed race subsidy I'll bet. Zorse Power!

  6. But how does he fill out his census form? He gets the mixed race subsidy I'll bet. Zorse Power!

  7. Awwwww, he is too cute!
    Such a great find. Thanks to Supi for letting us
    know the little guy is real!

  8. Darned machine. IIIITTTT STIIIICKS___Sorry

  9. As all donkeys (democrats) should be wearing - prison stripes.

  10. Scott, it's OK, I just thought you were trying to get your point across.

  11. Bunni, I think of you every time I post something like this. I always know you're going to love it.

  12. Ah Christopher, another peanut gallery heard from. Stripes is good!

  13. Cute little zonkey. I wonder if he's a citizen or an illegal anchor baby.
    I signed up to follow your crazy antics, Mr. Woodsterman. Stop by my place if you're hungry for pie.

  14. Boomer Pie, I did stop once, but I didn't have enough time to get a good look around.


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