Saturday, July 24, 2010

Woodsterman Stoops to Competing with Rule 5 ers

OOH-WEE ... that got the old ticker pumping !


  1. WTF? Odie, from my understanding (and eyes) you sir have no clue whatsoever as to the meaning of Rule #5!!!!

    My God man, 'stoop' is an understatement!

    LOL, Have a great weekend!

  2. What the heck is rule 5? Not sure I'm interested given the demonstration here - lol!

  3. Odie, that was just wrong-- making us endure Pelosi's wicked features. I think you need a redo for competeing in rule #5.

    Have a great weekend :)

  4. Rule 5? I think I'm gonna Spew 5!

  5. Odie, I was going to correct you on the "stoop" part, but now I don't think I will. ;-)

  6. Woof, I ran the first picture on Rightrdia. Well done!

  7. Christopher, It was my understanding that "rule 5" was displaying something gratuitous to lure the reader. Four blogs this morning had the rule 5 theme, so not wanting to be out done ... "Here's Nancy"!

  8. Teresa, no redos, Admit it, you laughed didn't you.

  9. innominatus, well for that I'm sorry.

  10. Opie, that stoop word keeps coming up between us all day.

  11. Rightardia, You are one of the very first followers here. I believe this is your first comment .. thank you.

  12. I stand corrected if that be the case, but could you not find a better case study in this matter?

  13. Christopher, I racked my brain to come up with someone more radiant. As you can see, I was unable to.

  14. "I racked my brain to come up with someone more radiant"

    Alright Odie -- That is both sad and has me LMAO!! Don't know how that combination is possible, but that's what I'm experiencing. Pelosi and radiant are diametrically opposed to one another. It seems as though racking your brain may have had consequences. Please no more Pelosi monster!

  15. Teresa,

    OK, I was going to respond but you stole my thunder!

    You Dear are in my heart (if not before) FOREVER!

    May God Bless ALL reading Odie!

  16. They should post that on the doors of refrigerators, people will loose their appetite.

    You have taken rule 5 and made it TOO funny, but you need to put a bag over her head.

  17. Odie, Head to the beach fast! The mountain air is too thin.

    Anyhoo, It is funny!

  18. Teresa, The woman is a peach ... if you don't mind the fuzz. Or just a plain old radiant ... or was that radiator? You're trying to confuse me because I'm old.

  19. Christopher, thunder? You had thunder?

  20. Bunni, you telling me I'm funny is like a grand poem to these ears.

  21. Supi, air? I don't need no stinking air! I'm brilliant without it.

  22. Odie,

    Please..please..please..I am beggin' ya..say the magic words: photo-shop!

    Of course; what was I thinking.

    Much more of this, old friend, and we're on our way up to your digs for an intervention.

    ~TWP, LTB, LCR, and the crew.

  23. TWP, you'd better come a packin because me and mine will be a waitin I reckon.

  24. AHHHHH>>>>>>You scared the heck out of me.

  25. Lady, It was meant to amuse and not scare. It is kind of scary though, huh.


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