Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursdays Are For Libturds ~ PM


Thanks Skip and FBers


  1. #1) That was one of my favorite shows.

    #6) It's getting more difficult to be an authentic conspiracy theorist when everything comes true.

    1. Edward, keep coming back here and you'll learn from the master.

  2. Interesting proposition, that last.

  3. 1. I had not heard that.
    2. >:{
    3. Which means nothing.
    4. Sadly
    5. Frustrating
    6. Also frustrating. But awesome, too.
    7. Yup
    8. Always. Mine stay indoors.
    9. Good talk, but I think she's still a dem.
    10. That makes me hungry.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, gets the wheels turning, huh. How would someone know that?

  4. It isnt that we are ' the far right'. It is that we have been right so far. All those claimed conspiracy theories ended up being reality instead of their truth.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.