Sunday, September 8, 2024

On Top Of The World ~ Happy Funday


Thanks Hal


  1. She's got bigger balls than I do.

    1. hjets, me too. When I worked for the phone company, climbing poles, my crew would say we get nosebleeds above 20 feet.

  2. NO EFFING WAY !!!
    She is either drugged up or has balls made of solid titanium

  3. Kinda cute, and bigger balls that most guys. My highest was the top of WBFF's tower in Baltimore, somewhere in the 1500'ish range. Strange feeling being on top of the world, and it warms my heart to see a woman do it.

    1. millerized, I went 50 feet, on hooks, up a telephone pole once, and that's my limit.

  4. When I was younger, heights didn't bother me. Now than I'm old I get nervous if I go higher than the 3rd step of my ladder.

  5. The evap tower at work is 235ft. Thats my limit these days


  6. Not just no but hell no!

    Highest I've ever climbed was 300 feet up a TV station tower inspecting feedline. I get dizzy just watching this.

  7. Makes for a great add. Gal is brave no question, must be a marvelous view up there.

  8. Once you're above the "That'll buff out" height, Mehhh,, how high just means you have time to get a breath and scream, again. I did manage to work up to derrick man on a drilling rig. The first few times ya lean out against the rope to lay a stand of pipe into the elevators it's kinda hard to stay focused on what you need to do while that sphincter pulls tight. That puts a guy about 85 feet off the floor. Only missed one time, after midnight, sleeting and snowing, wind blowing, and the only fix was unbelt, climb over to it, get it and wrestle it back to the other side, tie onto it, belt up, drag it to me and put it in the elevators.
    Fear of failure was just a little bigger than fear of falling..

  9. Aaand now I've watched the video. I didn't want to earlier because it drops the radio out. And, Hell No! Nope, A gust of wind and Now what?

    1. Justin_O_Guy, that's when the helicopter, filming her, blows into the tower.

  10. Makes my knees weak just looking at that. Dad was in WWII with a guy who's motto was "Good old Terra Firma. The Firma the less Terra" and that has been my motto for quite a few years.

  11. Dubai, bleh! No thanks. Not ever.

  12. I don't care about the height, it's the sudden stop at the bottom that worries me.

  13. Oh shit! I dropped a card!

  14. Worked for Boeing for a long time. Once went up in a lift far enough to take a photo of a 767 all in one frame. Don't know how high exactly, but nowhere near that tower. Also, Emirate aircraft were all really high end, even those for us commoners. A friend is a restauranteur who opened a place in Dubai and loved it. He is here in Washington now.

  15. 150 ft up in the crown of a drilling rig in west central Alabama in the early 80s and stumbled into a wasp nest. Super slow motion replacing the light bulb but I got er done. I had strong hands and a weak mind back then. Now I can stand up to quickly and get dizzy. Almost 46 years on the same pipeline system and I am truly blessed to still be earning my way. I was making 4.50 to 5 bucks an hour then. ET in AL.


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