Sunday, September 29, 2024

Funday Again? ~ AM


Yes it is in Texas

Thanks FBers


  1. Agree with the Muppet and the kid. Hi, Jim, you were always one of my faves.

  2. every time i hear a bunch of crows i always say, the crow bar is open

  3. 8. Sexy yes, but I get a lot of compliments on my scat-pack.

  4. So in the wild west days in #7 they had telecommunications boxes on the sides of buildings? Who knew.

    1. Anon, Sorry All! That was the caption I forgot to post with it.

  5. 1. Love it.
    2. Never saw one of those particular comics. But those were the days, of comic reading in general.
    3. Heh.
    4. Huh. I wonder why they did that?
    5. Hahaha.
    6. Or at least go somewhere else.
    7. Enjoyed that show. The name escapes me though. Figures, right? All I can think of is "Death Valley Days" and that's not it.
    8. My hubby's dream car after the BelAire.
    9. Not cracking up, but it is a bit of a chuckle.
    10. And dad's to do the honors.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, and don't forget Grampa in #10.

    2. Linda the name of the show was “Tales of Wells Fargo” starring Dale Robertson 1957-1962

    3. LindaG and Anon, thank you Anon for fixing that. But I really posted that photo because of the telephone box behind Dale Robertson.

    4. Re: #10 - Very true!
      Anon, thank you!
      Odie, are you sure it was a telephone box? However, I did notice what looked like a conspicuous electric wire/possible phone line in the lower right corner of the photo after Anon mentioned it above. :)


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.