Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's Funday Here . . . How About There? ~ AM


Thanks FBers


  1. Never seen a cow so close to a cliff. Or an ocean.

    1. edutcher, makes sense to me. It's the only way the cow can see the cat attack the shark.

  2. #5) I've thought about this too. It's probably not the gluten but all the "additives" they use now.

    #9) Speaking of poetry, maybe one of those fishin' Babes can help me with my Longfellow.

    1. A friend's PA had the largest herd of Polled Hereford in CA. 5th Gen rancher, much of his land was coastline. Not unheard of was cows down on the beach.

    2. Or your "short" haiku.

    3. Rick, I thought Edward was talking about his ... you know. But thanks for updating us about cows playing in the surf.

    4. Rich, you have to go back a few posts to get caught up, but still guys don't talk about guys things like that.

  3. 1. Not a good joke.
    2. That one is a good chuckle.
    3. ...
    4. Haha.
    5. That's because of all the fake ingredients in bread now. If you don't make your own can you actually pronounce all the ingredients? And GMO stuff. If they can make wheat and corn to kill bugs to protect the harvest, what do those crops do to you?
    Sorry. 5 was supposed to be funny, wasn't it? (Should have read the comments before I wrote my responses.)
    6. Haha.
    7. Twice is the number of times I can remember waiting that long for something. The opening of the Original Star Wars movie in Plattsmouth, Nebraska; and to see Lee Greenwood when we were stationed on Okinawa.
    8. Heard that before. :)
    9. I remember those little match things. Often had some sort of advertising.
    10. Oh my. Must work in a lumber mill.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, send in your submission and you too could earn big money.

  4. Standing in line for hour & half for basketball? Don't care who's playing. Hahahaha people need to get a life.


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