Friday, September 6, 2024

Funderwhoopee Friday Has A Calming Effect ~ PM

 Thanks FBers


  1. I don't remember my childhood phone number, but I do remember the address and zip code of the first house I remember living in.

  2. Blame Congress for the first, I'm sure the hi-fi comes when Ulrich sticks his hand up Inga's skirt, tell me again about DIE (hi, Leslie, my mom thought you were the greatest), and, of course, I remember our old phone number as well as our address; my family lived there 86 years.

    1. edutcher, I remember mine. One with the word prefix and then when they changed it to all numbers. The airlines were subsidized then and now they're not.

  3. I remember my granny's number , Plateu 7 4211.

  4. I had to memorize our phone number before I could go to kindergarten in Sep 1946; I still remember it (two letters and 5 numbers). I know I wrote down that password on a piece of paper, but I can't find the paper

    1. boron, wow you're older than me. I was born a few months after you started school. Mine was also 2 letters and 5 numbers.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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