Wednesday, July 4, 2012

HAPPY 4th ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

HAPPY 4th of JULY !

Is this a great country or what.


  1. I love the red white and blue!

  2. Who needs a flag pole! Happy Independence Day.

  3. God bless America! Who could not be thankful for this?

    Thank you for your service too Woodsterman!

  4. You dream big Odie. I like that about you. I do the same, but with the male version. Just saying.

    Have a safe and happy Independence day. :)

  5. Thank You Admiral, and God Bless America on her Birthday!

  6. Sandee, just saying ... at woodsterman too there is what you request. I might just have to get that going again for you, Opie, and Bunni.

    Happy 4th of July Patriot!

  7. Sandee, be careful what you ask for. Odie likes to spring booby prizes on us, by way of a post meme called "Chip n Duds".

    Cover your eyes. Just sayin'.

  8. Happy day this 4th of got rid of that illegal immigrant yet?
    Nice fireworks you posted there!
    My missus went off like a rocket when she saw me looking at the girls...I told her it was all in aid of hands across the sea and all that stuff...she was not convinced...gotta put a lock on that door...

  9. What beautiful, Patriotic girls. Betsy Ross didn't know such great uses for the flag.

    Have a super Holiday, Odie! I hope things aren't too bad out there. God Bless you, your readers, and America, too.

  10. PS: Sandee & Opus, I hope Odie isn't inspired with any more Duds, I shudder to think what he might come up with if he's egged on, hee hee! Happy 4th.

  11. Opie, don't warn her. Let her find out for herself ... just saying.

  12. Nomin, You need to let see my whole blog. She'll understand after awhile?

  13. The greatest.

    And I can't help noticing that there are women in those pictures.

    We have the greatest of those, too.

    Happy Fourth, Odie.

  14. Happy Independence Day, Odie. Never can thank you and the rest of our veterans and troops enough for keeping us free.

  15. Lady, I mean this from the bottom of my heart, It was an honor to serve.

  16. Mr. Odie, I am pretty sure no one loves Our country more than me, but you may be close. I hope your fourth is awesome. You are invited to join my friends list as I have yours. Stop by anytime. your new friend, the rat

  17. mohave rat, been to your place and done just that. Welcome to the insanity, that helps everyone keep theirs, that is Woodsterman. It's an honor to receive you here sir.

  18. I've never seen Old Glory displayed any better than this!


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